Monday, November 23, 2009

In todays world communication has gone to so many levels. E-mail and phones are still very widely known and used in today's world. However Facebook and MySpace have entered a new world in technology. We have moved pasted a regular e-mail or telephone call as a instant communication method. Not only can you share info but you can share photos, tags and groups with your friends. Many adults have also joined to keep up with there old high school friends, and thier family. This started very slowey but in only a few months grew into the worlds most popular websites. This have also become a way for businesses to advertisse there products and services, like when Ebonite puts new bowling balls on the sides of Facebook. If this revolution continues, in the near future the entire social world will be like nothing we have ever seen. There have been new bands and artists that adverise thier music on these networking sites, like new groups such as Jay-Z. If you are a newgroup trying to make a hit and become known this is a great tool to attract fans. In the old days any major event or problem wasn't heard about until the next day or somethimes days after it occured. It has become easier and time effient to use social networking to connect and promote new ideas and ways to bring friends and family together, like a baseball game and a poker night for a message to a group. With theses sites you are able to read about current event minutes after they happened. For these types of networks Facebook is better. These sites can also be used in the worst of ways. You must be careful not not put potenially harmful infomation that could hurt you socially or economiclly. Bad people have a sorts of ways to get info for the sole purpose of crime. If you are looking for advertisiments for a business, I recommed you try MySpace. It is a better way to get your music to the public and promote items of worth. However if you are looking to connect with people info, pictures, and updates I would make a Facebook page.

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